In high school, I took three years of Japanese classes and I could definitely say that these classes really positively changed who I am and continues to affect me to this day. This class allowed me to interact with a culture that is completely different from mine. I was exposed to different worldviews, new foods, different customs, etc. I was able to have a more open mind and learn to effectively interact with others on a more global scale. I believe that people should learn to interact and learn more from people who are different than them. We as a people should be more united instead of divided. This class also helped me appreciate the people who speak more than one language, especially the individuals who migrate to the United States. Learning a new language is very difficult, and I imagine going to a different country where no one speaks your mother tongue is difficult as well. Even though I took three years, I still am improving my Japanese language skills and I hope to travel to Japan one day to apply what I learned in the real world. This class affected me so much that in my first year of college, I volunteered to be a Conversation Partner for the International students. I had a blast doing it and I was able to meet unique students from all over the world. I learned so much from these students and I appreciate them so much for being so willing to let me into their world. In fact, I’ve met some of my closest friends from this program. I think every high school student should take a foreign language at least one time during their academic career. It could really be life changing and will allow them to experience new cultures.
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