“Perfect practice makes perfect.” That is what my favorite Math teacher Mr.Sanders told me in middle school. In elementary school and part of middle school I was not great at math, but I was not terrible either. It was confusing at times and I struggled with certain concepts. Going into high school, I was still not that great at math, but becoming fond of it. The more complicated the math got, the more interesting it was. I learned so much about the world around me. That is when I became determined to improve myself in that subject. Little did I know that it would become a part of what I want to become as an adult. Math is incorporated in architecture, engineering, construction and simple everyday tasks. It is all so mind blowing to me. That is why I have chosen to pursue a career involving math. I want to work in construction because of the exposure it has to many different areas of math…engineering, architecture and financing are only a few. The past summers I interned at a construction company in Irvine, in which I shadowed senior project engineers, architects and a project manager. I learned quite a bit about the different areas of construction and crossed off different careers from my list of possible professions in math. My top two careers were engineering and architecture at one point, but I decided neither were for me. Then I explored project management and real estate development to make decisions from there. From my observations I noticed that project management was perfect for me because it varies on tasks. As a project manager you look at blueprints, make change orders-which includes some financing, and deal with contractors. Overall, my decision derived from my love of math or at the very least influenced by it. Math changed my perspective on things and all I had to do was put in a little more work; My middle school teacher was right, “perfect practice makes perfect!”
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