There are certain characteristics that a college needs to have in order for me to go there. Three characteristics that I am looking for in a college would be a good nursing program, a study abroad program and a campus that feels like home. I plan on majoring in nursing and becoming a registered nurse so it’s critical that the college I go to has a good nursing program. I want the college to have the nursing program on campus because some colleges I have visited don’t offer that. To explain, at this particular college you had to take your prerequisites then transfer to their other campus for the nursing program. I’m not interested in moving after my second year of college. It would also be nice if when I’m accepted into the college I’m also accepted into the nursing program but this isn’t essential. The second characteristic my college will have to have is the ability to study abroad. I believe most colleges offer this but if the one I’m interested in doesn’t, then it’s a deal breaker. My sophomore year of college I want to study abroad because, how cool would that be? I want to travel and experience other cultures while getting my degree at the same time. The last characteristic that a college should have in my opinion is the feeling of home. Of course I’ll be homesick and a college won’t feel exactly like home. What I mean is that if I visit the campus and I don’t feel like I belong there then I won’t go there. I visited a college and the layout and feel of the campus just wasn’t for me, I couldn’t see myself living there. So I crossed that college off of my list. I’ll know the college I will want to go to, if I could see myself living there (and after I’m accepted of course). To conclude, not every college is going to have these characteristics but I’ll keep looking until I find the right college for me. These three characteristics that I required are not too crazy and I think I’ll find a few colleges that will suffice. Once I find the “perfect college” I will work really hard in order to get accepted!
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