Surviving High School 101

Surviving High School 101

Surviving High School 101 150 150 Ashley N. Johnson

Tip # 1 : Beware of procrastination. This was always a major problem for me. I would constantly get distracted and lose track of time. Now that you are in high school, you probably have more responsibilities at home and school. With responsibility comes freedom. Remember to be proactive with your school work and commitments at your job or at home. Procrastination is just never a good idea and leads to a lot of stress and headaches. Pacing yourself is a lot easier than it seems, and gives you a much more relaxed schedule and a feeling of accomplishment. When you procrastinate, you don’t always give your best effort in the work that you do because you are rushed to get it done. Don’t let yourself slip into the “I’ll get to it eventually” mind-set. Get to it as soon as possible so that you have more time to bask in the glory of finishing an assignment on time.
Tip # 2: Be the real you. Don’t let others decide what kind of person you are going to be. Sometimes I know it can be a whole lot easier to try and fit in with the crowd, rather than just be yourself. I was actually the same way my first two years of high school, and honestly it wasn’t that great. Not until I showed others who I really was. You will be happier if you stay true to yourself. Trust me.
Tip # 3: Try not to stress too bad. I’m still learning this one myself. I know stress is a normal part of life ,but it shouldn’t be all you’re feeling. Stress when not handled properly, can cause real problems. When you feel overwhelmed take a break and another look at the situation. If you need help ask for it. It never hurts to ask, and there are always people who are willing to give up a little of their time, to make your life less stressful. You’d be surprise. A little help goes a long way and can save you lots of trouble that would otherwise, hold you back.


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