Trying to pursue my dream of achieving straight A’s during my last semester in high school was crucial. With college applications around the corner and my reputation on the line I knew I had to step up my studies. When the last semester of high school approaches work starts to become intense with piles of homework and test. In my AP Calculus class, work began to increase and the course content became confusing to me. Before the last semester, Calculus work and test were a breeze to me so I didn’t expect for the last semester to become difficult but boy was I wrong. My teacher Mr. Collins began to teach the class a new unit called Derivatives. As he explained I made sure I put the proper information in my notes so that I would have no trouble figuring out the homework. Time progressed and as I was at home figuring out the homework my mind went blank. I started to panic because I wasn’t used to going blank like that during a homework assignment and especially when I had the notes in front of my face. Constantly pushing myself to problem solve during this night made my mind fried and exhausted. I knew I had to do something I wasn’t that big of a fan of and that was go to a tutor. I’m the type of person that likes to figure things out on my own without any help but not when it came to this unit. To save the time and stress I emailed my teacher if he would have any time this week to reiterate what he taught to the class about Derivatives since I wasn’t comprehending it. He later replied offering his tutoring services after school which was generous for me. We sat down in the library and I voiced my concerns about the points that I wasn’t understanding. Mr. Collins understood my confusion and gave me a quick lesson on what I did wrong. I later understood his feedback and applied my new learnings to the different homework assignments listed to see if I truly understood. After the lesson, we had another homework assignment on Derivatives and a test to go with it. By the end of the semester, I passed the test and reached my goal of straight A’s due to the help of my teacher.
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