In life we will face many struggles , especially in school but that’s why we have tutors. In the 10th grade i had a major paper due for my social studies class and i had no idea how i was going to get it done. I was already struggling in the class as well so that made my stress level go up even higher. But being from new york city i’ve always found a way to get things done. So at first i wrote the paper on my own in about 2 hours , turned it in and my teacher gave me a grade i’d rather not talk about. But for some beautiful reason my teacher let me re do the paper. So now that i was granted a second chance i had to take advantage of every resource i had. Before even starting the paper i looked around my school for any writing tutors, luckily enough there was only one tutor left that wasn’t busy.So i approached the tutor and she welcomed me with open arms. Even though i knew this was a good option for me i was still a little nervous about finding a tutor because mentally i kept asking myself why cant i just do it on my own. I expressed that feeling with my tutor and she explain to me that everyone needs help in life whether they want to admit it or not. She also told me that the people in life who know they need help and don’t try to get it are only hurting their selves. I was very inspired by what she said and it made me feel a whole lot better. So after she spoke to me we finally got started on this paper. She first asked me for the previous paper i turned in and in the matter of 5 minutes she knew why i got the grade i got. She explained to me that none of my ideas looked to be well thought out. Then she told me that the ideas that were on the paper didn’t carry a good enough amount evidence for the topic i was writing about. So i finally asked her what should i do. She made me write my ideas down first , find about 3-4 good evidence behind each one of my ideas , then place them in correct order. After i did all of that i started to write my paper and as i was writing it everything seemed so smooth. The paper was finally done and the next day when i turned it in to my teacher i got an A on it ! I was so excited about it i ran to my tutors room and showed her the magic that we did and the only thing she told me was ” even when you’re having a hard time with something don’t be afraid to seek assistance , it will always benefit you in the end.’
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