I didn’t begin my school career inherently good at math, to say the least. It wasn’t easy, but, I had to do it, even if I really just felt like it was good for nothing. I remember repeatedly announcing I would never use anything I learned in pre-algebra. As a frustrated seventh grader I wanted no part in finding this dreaded subject’s x–I was pretty sure he wasn’t coming back. But, I had to continue to search for him, and you know what? After a while, I started to find him. I found him when I figured out negatives, and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing the opposite. And you want to know what else? I started to enjoy reuniting algebra to her x, even if I didn’t think they were a pair that belonged together, I started to see that they actually did. I started to see that there was purpose in algebra. As I did countless real life word problems I saw how I could actually use this in my day to day life. I fought for the grade I ended up with in each of my math classes, but it wasn’t easy. I’m not gifted in math as some people are, but I do have one thing that some people don’t: a will to fight. If I want it, I’m not letting it get away from me–just like algebra wan’t going to let me give up on her x. So, I fought the fight to be better at math. There were screams, tears, and anger, but in the end, it really was worth it. Now, as a senior taking advanced math, I’m thankful for the toilsome days spent playing matchmaker with algebra and her x, and I’m glad I get to continue to advocate for them in their relationship and bring them back together each day I sit down to do math.
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