Ever since I kindergarten, math has not been my strongest suit. I can remember always getting frustrated when doing math problems because I would make the concepts more complex than they were supposed to be. After many years of struggling, I finally figured out how I could approach various math problems in a way that I could understand. Prior to high school and college, I did not care enough to put forth the effort try to actually understand math thus, I would read the designated math textbook which lead to even more confusion. In high school, I realized that I had to take math more serious because it was in everything from chemistry, to biology, and physics. I had trouble remembering the new formulas and theories so, whenever I studied, I would do practice problems that I found online and in the textbook. Doing this made math concepts more familiar and prepared me for upcoming quizzes and tests. In addition, I also enjoyed watching math videos online on websites such as khan academy and math is fun because the lectures were straight to the point. I could rewind, pause, and fast forward to keep up with my own pace, something I could not do in class, and watch individuals do multiple practice problems. Watching online videos helps me learn the best because it is easily accessible and there are multiple videos I can choose from. When I am having too much trouble in which the videos are not explaining math concepts clearly, I ask for help from my peers at school while in tutoring and in class. Everyone has a different technique on how they understand math problems and formulas; unlike History or English which can be interpreted differently, math, no matter what school or country you go to has a universal answer.
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