My Share of Struggles

My Share of Struggles

My Share of Struggles 150 150 Eric Wicaksono

Every college student has their fair share of struggles. Whether it is being stuck on a homework question or studying for finals. I am currently majoring in mechanical engineering, so classes like calculus and physics haunted every single day of my life when I took it. The hardest class I have take was physics I and II. The thing about my physics professor is that he takes joy in “challenging” his students with difficult questions. One of his challenging question could take us hours to solve, even days on some of them.

I overcame my struggles by doing a couple of things. My college provide tutoring services for the students; in fact, I work as one of the student tutor for calculus and accounting. The tutoring center provide tutors, textbooks, computers, etc; and I live at the tutoring center. If I was not in class or working, I would be there studying with my classmates and a physics tutor. I have been working with one tutor named Ivan since my first semester of college, and he might be the smartest human being I know. The best thing about the tutors are that they would do anything to find the answer to my questions; I wish every single student would utilize this resource. Tutoring has helped me go a really long way in my college career.

My classmates and I would spend hours at the tutoring center, especially in the weekend. Our study sessions range from intensely studying to watching Netflix while doing homework. But when we are in that group room at the tutoring center, our objective is always to get things done. If we cannot find what we were looking in the textbooks, we would watch hours of videos on YouTube just to answer one question. Even though my method my studying method is unusual, it is what works best for me.

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