September 2017 Scholarship Winner – Tatiana Jesus

September 2017 Scholarship Winner – Tatiana Jesus

September 2017 Scholarship Winner – Tatiana Jesus 150 150 Tatiana de Jesus Silva

Tatiana Jesus is my name and in my sophomore year in college, I took a psychology class as part of my general educational requirements to complete college. My thinking was that, this class was going to be smooth for me because I enjoyed “mind games. “Little did I know that being an International student and Portuguese being my first language would affect me. The class started off really well! It was a fresh phase and my adrenaline and serotonin were always on the high. My woes however started when I realized that, whenever my instructor spoke really fast I didn’t understand anything she said, I knew I had to find a solution fast. I also had difficulty reading and understanding the text in the text book so I tried looking for assistance.
The next class period, I mastered the courage to ask my teacher anytime she said anything I didn’t understand. During that time, I understood what the instructor said, but a few people seemed irritated because they felt I was drawing the class back. The people who were irritated by my asking questions they felt were irrelevant grew by the day so I stopped asking questions in class and decided to see my instructor during office hours or after class. This really helped. I discussed with my teacher my struggle with reading the textbook. She asked me to look for someone to study with. I tried on several occasions but most people didn’t understand me and were adamant about helping. I was frustrated till I met this girl I had never seen in my class one day. After the class, I decided to speak to her. She was a very pleasant person.
I discussed my issue with her and she offered her assistance. I also met a male student who offered aid with my assignments. These two people took time out of their lives to assist me. They never complained or asked for anything in return. I also had to study into the morning most times.
I finished my psychology class with great grades thanks to all the help I received and the late nights. I would like to conclude using a quote from Amos Bronson which practically encapsulates this experience “Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats.


1. Tell us about yourself.

Tatiana Jesus Silva is my name. I am from Sao Paulo in  Brasil. I am a sophomore in Lindenwood University. Learning about body fitness is one of my many passions.

2. What has been your best experience in school?

I really enjoyed being on Lindenwood track and field team. During my first indoor meeting for track and field I broke the school record. This is my best experience because that was a very great opportunity for me. I love that I have been able to travel around the United States with my track and field members for competitions.

3. What influenced your choice in major?

Growing up, I enjoyed learning about the body and fitness. I am an individual who likes to have many options. This major is more flexible for me.  For this reason I chose to be a Recreation, Sports and Tourism major.

4. How do you envision yourself in 5 years?

I see myself working, helping my family as well as other people to live healthier lives. I also hope I would be able to make enough money to help young kids who don’t have enough resources to further their education. I see myself as a personal trainer or a track and field coach in a college. I just want to extend the help I have received to less fortunate people in the society.

5. What do you hope to learn from your school experience?

I hope I would be able to learn the skills and knowledge which would be needed in my chosen career. I also hope that my experiences in school would help me to be able to work better in groups. I also hope to learn how to be a well-rounded person. I also hope I would be able to fit into any society I find myself in.

6. What extracurricular activities do you enjoy?

I enjoy Sports because it is a way for me to release stress. I also enjoy Bible studies because it helps me improve upon my spiritual life. These activities also help me to become a better person. These are the two extra curriculum activities I enjoy the most.