The subject I most struggled with throughout high school was chemistry. I first took Chemistry in 10th grade, and I didn’t know anything about it. I was so lost, I didn’t understand and of the lectures, any of my notes, or the homework. Being the type of person I am I don’t back down from any challenges, and I looked at this chemistry class as a challenge. I always have to find a way to win and beat the challenge. Honestly, for a while I thought I would never be able to understand the subject, but I know if I just sat and di d nothing I would never overcome the challenge. In order for me to beat the challenge, I knew I would have to put in some effort o get something in return. With that being said, I did a couple things to help me understand chemistry. After each and every chemistry class, I would stay behind and ask the teacher for a better explanation of what he had just taught. After school, I would stay back and go to my chemistry teacher’s office and proceed to explain what was taught in class as if I was the teacher and he was the student. By doing this, he would give me feedback on what I did right and did wrong. To top it all off, I would go to our school’s after school tutoring sessions. During these tutoring sessions, upperclassmen would help us with our homework. Not only would they help us, but they won’t let us move on until we fully understand what we were struggling with. By, going out the way and doing all of this extra stuff, I went from having the lowest grade in chemistry, to have the highest grade in the class. From this point on, I learned that I can overcome any obstacle/challenge if I just put my mind to it and put in effort.
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