Overcoming My Struggle In Computer Class

Overcoming My Struggle In Computer Class

Overcoming My Struggle In Computer Class 150 150 Aubree Franz

During my junior year of high school, I took a Computer Applications class. The class was extremely difficult and challenged me beyond what I had expected it to. It was an elective and I took it to gain more knowledge about technology. It challenged me to learn new terms that I was not familiar with, create my own notes to study from for the test, and even become a more efficient typist.
In the class, we had to learn terms about computers and technology. I did not know much about Microsoft or how computers functioned when I began this course. It was very hard at first to understand all the new vocabulary, but I studied hard and learned the new material faster than I would have ever thought I would learn it.
Studying for the tests were very challenging for me. We had a book that talked about how to function all the programs but we had to make our own notes about the material covered in the book. It was challenging to try to explain how to operate a program in words. I had to stay after school and ask the teacher for help with my notes.
Another thing that was challenging for me in this class was typing. Going into the class, I knew how to type but this class required me to type all of the time. My teacher encouraged us to type as much as we could and we would eventually become faster. After taking this course I began to notice that my success and improvement in my typing skills had greatly increased.
To this day, I use the knowledge and skills that I learned in that class to assist me in all of my classes that I am taking this year in high school. It taught me helpful tips that are useful for all Microsoft programs. The class was laborious but it taught me that sometimes you may struggle, however, once you complete the task at hand, you will succeed in ways you may have never expected.

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