You walk up and down the halls and most of the time we judge people on how they act and how they look, but we don’t usually think about their struggles in life. I am fortunate enough to have a good home life, but when It comes to school, I have to push myself harder than most. I have a 504 plan, which means I need longer time taking tests, the font size bigger, and taking tests on blue paper. Growing up I got my first pair of glasses when I was five years old. My vision was genuinely harder to deal with then most kids who needed just a pair of reading glasses. I was diagnosed with Strabismus, a condition of abnormal alignment of the eyes. The biggest struggle was definitely reading because reading comprehension was so hard for me, I would just leave class because It was too hard to concentrate trying to deal with reading, comprehending, and getting by the littlest distractions, I just couldn’t do it. My parents got me a tutor for school and then on top of that I went to a vision specialist to go through many years of vision therapy to try and correct my vision. This was all happening to me at the age of eight, which is overwhelming to a kid at that age. Most kids would spend an hour doing homework, while I spent three to four hours of homework per night. After many years of dealing with vision struggles and reading comprehension, many people are very shocked with who I am today. My vision has grown to be so much more than where the specialists thought I would be today. My vision was a +6.75 in my left eye and a -7.25 in my right eye, today my vision is at a +1.25 in both eyes. My reading comprehension has grown so much, I am now in the honor roll and have a GPA of 3.7. I have never been more proud of myself because yes this was a struggle for me, but with a lot of hard work, it truey pays off in the end.
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