Dealing with the stresses of school and other activities, baseball is the one place I know I can go to where I know I can relax, be myself, and play the game I love. Throughout the years, the game has not come easy to me. Each player will go through slumps where they aren’t playing as well as they would like to, and they need to figure out a way to get out of those slumps. Every day during the week, my high school baseball team would practice after school, and we would spend long hours perfected every aspect of the game. Although it seemed like this would be enough to allow every player on our team to be decent ball players, several of the players would stay after practice and do one more round in the batting cage, or do one more drill out in the outfield, or make one more perfect throw to home plate. This allowed us to stress the fact that as we continue to practice our skills more than when the coach made us, we were able to perfect the little parts of the game, which in turn made a huge difference on the baseball field. Throughout the season, we played much better than anyone had expected us to play. I was hitting lead off on the team and had the highest batting average. The other younger teammates were able to look up to me and I was able to take the roll as captain of this team. I finished the season batting average at .386, and the rest of the team voted for me as the most valuable player on the team. This was a huge accomplishment for me because of how I was able to fight out of a slump, and make the season the best I possibly could for my teammates and myself. I am very thankful for how the season turned out, and I am very thankful for the group of guys that surrounded me and pushed me to be the best ball player that I could be.
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