An Evening With Mr. Washington

An Evening With Mr. Washington

An Evening With Mr. Washington 150 150 Harlie Gardner

If I could have dinner with one historical figure, I would choose Booker T. Washington because he was and has been a very influential person. He was determined to do something with his life and actually accomplished that goal. It was also important to him to inspire people to do the same. He showed never ending perseverance, a trait that is so incredibly important but so incredibly rare today. Never giving up is a trait that has become lost in society. He thought that learning was incredibly important and it really is. I believe that having a successful life includes continuous growth and the only way to do that is by learning and being informed. Washington also thought that the only way to get anywhere or anything was through hard work and dedication. Now, many people want a really nice car but very few put in the time and effort to achieve that goal and get one.
I think we would talk about life today and how it is different and similar to life back then. We would talk about the challenges he faced being an African – American in the eighteen hundreds. He could tell me about how people treated him before and after the Emancipation Proclamation and how people differed depending on which state you were in. I would ask him what his childhood was like and what life was like for his parents and grandparents. Another thing I would ask him is why it was so important for him to start a school and empower people. I am curious to know his opinion on today’s racial issues, like whether or not confederate soldiers statues should be left standing, and what his solution would be. I would also ask him what subjects he thought were important to be informed about.

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