If I could have dinner with any historical figure it would be Harriet Tubman because she was one of the few people who paved the way for me to be who I am today. We grew up in two different time periods but I’ll just inform her of our society as of today. Me and Harriet Tubman would talk about everything. I want to know what she went through, what she saw, her experience etc. I hear so many stories on what happened during slavery, different books I’ve read and books passed down from centuries ago. But I want to hear it all from her mouth exactly, I want to know so much more about my history. I’m interested in hearing her personal experience and who she encountered. Only because there are some controversies on what really happened during slavery so I want to hear it directly. I want to ask her about one of her quotes, Harriet Tubman once said, it states, “I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can’t say; I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger.” I am determined to know what made her do what she did, where did she get her strength from to do something so daring? What made her so efficient, and was she scared she’d ever get caught? She risked her lives to save so many others, I’d enjoy a dinner with her anytime. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t even be where I am today, so many others need to recognize that as well. Also, I would talk to her about our country and ask her what should we do to make things a little better. People don’t truly understand what our people went through hundreds of years ago. Our people can be a bit ungrateful sometimes, so I want a way to remind them. We should be grateful for everything we have, and everything we as a people have accomplished.
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