What if every school have a character building lesson. That will be help teenagers in America. In America many high school student already bahaving badly to theirs of like using drugs, smoking cigeratte, bullying and behave badly. Every school should give a lesson about character building.
Most importantly, character building can help teens in America to have a better life. For example, 77% of American students being a victim of bullying. This illustrates that lack of education is taught to student about character building. Also, if student get a lesson about character building, it can help students become smarter and make them stronger especially when they stand up to person bullying them. This prove that it is necessary for student to have that lesson since they are in elementary school. Therefore, the school should teach character building To give a good behave for student.
So the U.S DEpartment of Education should make a law to school to have a character building lesson. Therefore American teenagers can avoid from bad behavior.