Taking Basic Derivatives

Taking Basic Derivatives

Taking Basic Derivatives 1024 538 Teaching Staff
Derivative: an expression that represents the rate of change of a function. At this level, it is usually denoted as y’ or f’(x) (read y prime and f prime at x respectively)


Derivatives are often the first concept that is taught in Calculus. Understanding how to find the derivative of a function is essential to your success in the course. The article below provides details on the five basic methods used.

  • Power Rule

The power rule provides a method for taking the derivative of any polynomial function.

When doing so, we consider each algebraic term separately, applying the following rule:

The derivative of  y = ax^b is y’ =   a*bx^(b-1)

Keep in mind that terms without variables are constant so their rate of change is zero and therefore their derivative is defined as 0.

Example:  The derivative of   3x^3 + 6x^2 – 3x + 10   is 9x^2 + 12x – 3     

Pro Tip: Remember that irrational numbers represented by symbols, like ℼ and e, are still constants and therefore their derivative is 0.

  • Product Rule

The product rule provides a method for taking the derivative of a function created by the multiplication of two functions. We use the following formula:

The derivative of   f(x) = g(x)h(x) becomes    f’(x) = g(x)h’(x) + g’(x)h(x)  

where g’(x) and h’(x) are the derivatives of g(x) & h(x)     

Example: The derivative of    (2x^2 – 1)(x^4 – 2) is   4x(x^4 – 2) + (2x^2 – 1)(4x^3)

which can be simplified to 12x^5 – 4x^3 – 8x

  • Derivatives of Basic Trig Functions

The three basic trigonometric functions are sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x). The best way to handle the derivatives of these functions is to memorize them.

Function Derivative
sin(x) cos(x)
cos(x) sin(x)
tan(x) sec^2(x)
  • Derivative of Exponential Functions

There is a handy formula for taking the derivative of exponential functions.

The derivative of   A^x is ln(A) * A^x

Example: The derivative of   2^x is ln(2) * 2^x

  • The Chain Rule

The chain rule is the most complex, but it is also the one that allows for the most flexibility. It provides a method for taking the derivative of a composite function.  We use the following formula:

The derivative of f(x) = g(h(x))  is f’(x) = h’(x)g’(h(x))

Example: The derivative of  sin(x^2) is 2x * cos(x^2)

                The derivative of  cos^2(x) is -sin(x) * 2cos(x)  

                                              which simplifies to -sin(2x)

                                using the trig identity 2cos(x)sin(x) = sin(2x)

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