Solving Theorems: Mathematical Induction

Solving Theorems: Mathematical Induction

Solving Theorems: Mathematical Induction 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

In Mathematics, we see many theorems which are true for all natural numbers. Sometimes, proving these theorems directly is not possible. For this purpose, we use a method of proof which is known as “Mathematical Induction”.

The principal of Mathematical Induction is defined as follows.

“Let S(n) be a certain statement involving n, where n is a natural number.

If S(1) is true and if S(k) implies S(k+1) where k is a natural number, then S(n) is true for all natural numbers n.”


The principle of mathematical induction can be explained in simple words as follows.

Step 1: Prove S(1).

Step 2: Assume that S(k) is true doe some natural number k.

Step 3:  Prove S(k+1).

From step-1, S(n) is true for n=1. From step-3, S(n) is true for n=k+1, then automatically S(n) is true for n=1+1=2.

Also, S(n) is true for n=2+1=3.

Similarly S(n) is true for n=4,5,…..

So, by this principle of Mathematical induction, we can say that S(n) is true for all natural numbers.

Example 1:

By the principle of mathematical induction, prove that

1+2+3+…+n = n(n+1)/2.


Let S(n) : 1+2+3+…+n = n(n+1)/2.

Step 1: Prove S(1).

When n=1,

LHS = 1, RHS = 1(1+1)/2=1.


So, S(1) is proved.

Step 2: Assume that S(k) is true doe some natural number k.

1+2+3+…+k = k(k+1)/2.

Step 3:  Prove S(k+1).


=(1+2+3+…+k) + (k+1)

= k(k+1)/2 + (k+1)

= [k(k+1) + 2(k+1)]/2




So, S(k+1) is true.

So, by this principle of Mathematical induction, we can say that S(n) is true for all natural numbers.


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