SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Grammar – Affect/Effect and Assume/Presume

SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Grammar – Affect/Effect and Assume/Presume

SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Grammar – Affect/Effect and Assume/Presume 150 150 Suzanne

Effect vs. Affect

Most people know what an effect is, but most do not know how to effectively use its very close lexical cousin, affect. The base grammatical rule is that when used as a noun (or adverb), the correct form is effect.

  •  The boy’s speech in the lunchroom had a profound effect.

When the word is used as a verb (or adjective), the correct form is affect.

  • The boy affected the other children with his impassioned lunchroom speech.

There are regular occasions when this rule does not apply, such as affect being used as a noun to describe a person’s outer countenance:

  • All the children were elated by the boy’s speech except for the bully, who leered at the victim/ speechmaker with a stone-cold, chilling affect.

Another common exception is when effect is used as a verb, usually in the context of changing or altering someone or something, i.e., “effecting change.”

  • No one could predict how immensely the boy’s speech would effect the bully, in the long run.

Assume vs. Presume

Assume and presume are another frequent lexical mix-up, though, a keen distinction to make while writing and speaking – and, generally, living!

Presume is used (or, a presumption is made) when a thought or plan is formulated in advance, with some elements of evidence weighed and considered.

  • Because we are such great friends, I presume you will share your candy with me.

Assume is used (or, an assumption is made) when a thinker or planner is forming a thought or plan without access to, or consideration of, sufficient evidence or facts.

  •  Because no one else has invited you, I assume you will want to go to the dance with me.


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