Introduction to Fractions: Basics and Types of Fractions

Introduction to Fractions: Basics and Types of Fractions

Introduction to Fractions: Basics and Types of Fractions 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A fraction represents a part of a whole. A fraction is written in the form:



where a is the numerator, and b is the non-zero denominator. The line separating the numerator and denominator is the fraction bar. The numerator represents the number of equal parts and the denominator indicates number of parts make up a whole.  For example, in the fraction 3/8, the numerator 3 represents the 3 equal parts and the denominator 8 tells that the whole is consists of 8 equal parts. The figure below represents the fraction using a rectangle divided into 8 equal parts out of which 3 parts are shaded.

The fraction a/b is read as ‘a over b’, ‘a divided by b, ‘a out of b’, or ‘a by b’.

Let’s take an example of pizza. If a pizza is cut into 4 parts and you ate 1 part of it, then the fraction 1/4 represents that 1 out of 4 parts is eaten.

There are 3 types of fractions:

1)      Proper fractions have numerator is less than denominator e.g 2/3, 6/11, 3/7, 5/9.

2)      Improper fractions have numerator greater than denominator e.g. 5/2, 9/4, 8/3, 12/7.

3)      Mixed fractions have a whole part and a fractional part e.g. The improper fraction can be converted to mixed number and mixed fraction can be converted to improper fraction.