Properties of Logarithmic Functions

Properties of Logarithmic Functions

Properties of Logarithmic Functions 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A logarithmic function is basically the inverse of an exponential function.

Take a >0 and a≠1.  Then the inverse of the function f:RàR defined fy f(x)=ax is logax which is called as logarithm of x with base a.

So the definition of logarithm is as follows.

logax = y ↔ay = x.


23=8 ==> log28 = 3.

Properties of logarithm:

(1)   loga (mn) = loga m + loga n

loga mn = x ==> mn = ax

loga m= y ==>m = ay

loga n = z ==> n = az
From all the equations,

ax= ay . az

ax= ay+z


loga (mn) = loga m + loga n

(2)   loga (m/n) = loga m – loga n

loga m/n = x ==> m/n = ax

loga m= y ==>m = ay

loga n = z ==> n = az
From all the equations,

ax= ay / az

ax= ay-z


loga (mn) = loga m -loga n

(3)   loga mn = n loga m

loga mn = x ==>mn = ax

loga m= y ==>m = ay

From all the equations,

ax= (ay )n

loga mn = n loga m

(4)    Change of base formula:

While using logarithms in solving equations, this formula is mostly used to change the bases.

loga m = logb m/logb a

Let loga m= x ==>ax=m

Logb m= y ==>by=m

logb a= z==> bz=a

So we get,

ax= by


zx = y

x = y/z

loga m = logb m/logb a

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