What are Ecosystems?

What are Ecosystems?

What are Ecosystems? 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

An ecosystem is defined as a community of organisms living in a particular environment and the physical elements with which they interact. Ecosystems vary in size. It can be as small as a tree and as large as an ocean. Ecosystem, also known as ecological system, is an open space built by physical and biological components of an environment. An ecosystem deals with the relation between living and non-living components.

Ecosystems sustain human societies and allow them to prosper, due to the nutritional, environmental, cultural, recreational and aesthetic resources they provide. We all depend directly or indirectly on the products and services of ecosystems, including crops, livestock, fish, wood, clean water, oxygen, and wildlife.

Climate is an integral part of ecosystems. Climate change has the potential to stress or even alter ecosystems and their functions, including the many resources and services they provide to each other and to our society.

There are many types of ecosystems on earth. Below are 3 major classes of ecosystems:

1.       Freshwater Ecosystems

It covers approximately 2% of the earth’s surface. These ecosystems are home to amphibians, reptiles and fish species. There are three basic types of freshwater ecosystems:

  • Lentic: It consists of still or slow-moving water bodies like ponds, lakes and pools.
  • Lotic: Fast moving water bodies comprises Lotic freshwater ecosystem like rivers and streams.
  • Wetlands: Places where the soil is saturated for some time are called wetlands.

2.       Terrestrial Ecosystems

These are diverse ecosystems and found everywhere apart from water bodies. All types of plants, grasslands, trees, deserts, trees come under this category.

3.       Ocean Ecosystem

Also called as Marine Ecosystems are the largest ecosystems covering over 70% of the earth’s surface. The water in this ecosystem has salts and minerals dissolved in high amounts.


Image source: https://www.kidsgeo.com/images/ecosystem.jpg

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