As a junior in high school physics is a required course, physics itself is extremely challenging. But I still decided to take a course higher when I was recommended into taking honors physics by my chemistry teacher. Coming into first semester I remember being extremely excited to start my first year with more challenging courses. Not knowing what honors physics had in store for me.
Weeks passed and the subject became more and more challenging, that year our educational system was adjusted. They started a teaching method, where we the students, teach ourselves. They would give us a variety of problems, we would work in groups and help each other out and then after we learned how to do the complex problems we would have to know why we did each step.
Although the teaching method is a great way to learn and apply the subject, it was very difficult because it was new. A lot of students struggled in our class, myself included.
In order to overcome the challenge, I applied myself fully to learning the concepts of physics. The math was not so much of a problem, but I still had to learn new ways to use the physics formulas. In order to achieve the grade I wanted I applied myself by utilizing my resources; such as YouTube, Kahn academy, and various helpful websites.
In order to help myself study for upcoming tests I made study guides which included important vocabulary, formulas, and example problems, these study guides were self made and were not for a grade. After every test I would do corrections and keep a sheet of paper of concepts I got incorrect and studied them more in order to do better on the next test.
Throughout this class it was a process of self learning, applying, and learning from ones mistakes. Through my hard work and extra hours of work every night, I was able to grow from a low C to a high B in my class. Which I was pretty proud of for being nearly self taught along with my classmates.