Comprehension Review: Interpreting Graphs and Charts

Comprehension Review: Interpreting Graphs and Charts

Comprehension Review: Interpreting Graphs and Charts 150 150 Deborah

Overview:  What Do Graphs and Charts Do When Added to Text?
Graphs and charts present information in order to clarify and extend text.  They are an important tool accompanying science writing, and  summarize essential  facts in the social sciences, history, and economics.  They serve as an aid to analysis and comprehension by presenting a visual “snapshot” of the numerical data.

Graphs and Charts Are More than (Just) Numbers
When graphs and charts are added to a passage of text, interpretation becomes more than analyzing the mathematical relationships between data.  For example, in a history text describing changes in United States culture during the 1920s, there might be a graph describing the number of homes that had radios in the 1920s.  This graph presents a picture of how families obtained news and entertainment in that decade.  It enhances the accompanying text by showing the years along the x-axis (the abscissa) and number of homes in millions along the y-axis (the ordinate).

Graphs and Charts Summarize Experimental Data
Graphic representation of the results of scientific experiments follows a specific convention.  The independent variable which is manipulated in any experiment is on the x-axis and the measured results are on the y axis.  Traditionally, almost all scientific articles will have the results of an experiment presented following that convention.  The scientific journal article will discuss the experiment in depth, as well as including the summary of findings in the graph.  In other types of science writing, such as in a science textbook, a graphic describing the concept will accompany the article.  For example, the sequences of cell division in meiosis will have charts showing pictures of the steps as well.

Graphs and Charts Complete the Picture
Information presented in chart form adds to comprehension of a text passage by highlighting the relationships between different parts of the problem.  For example, part of the preparation for getting a food handler’s permit is to be able to pass a text with common questions about food storage and food safety.  It is much easier to understand the relationship between safe ranges of temperatures, type of food, and bacterial growth when it is presented in a chart showing those relationships.  Similarly, a graph or chart often highlights the source of the data.

A Sequence Is Worth a Thousand Words
A flow chart is a common type of graph used in workplace training manuals, government documents, and in organizations where employees are required to make decisions based on the information they have.  Understanding sequence diagrams is crucial to determining the correct decision.  Each direction on a flow chart branches differently depending on the answers to particular questions.

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