Integers and Rules of Integers

Integers and Rules of Integers

Integers and Rules of Integers 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The integers are whole numbers which include negative numbers also. That is, an integer can be negative (-1, -2, -3, -4….), positive (1, 2, 3, 4….) or zero (0). Integers can be called as signed whole numbers. If no sign is in front of the whole number it is considered positive by default.

Higher is the negative integer lesser is its value. For example, -6 is less than -2, -7 is less than 3.

Operations on integers follow certain rules given below.

Addition Rules:

Same signs: If the two integers to be added have the same sign, we add the integers and keep the same sign for the sum.

6 + 8 = 14

(-4) + (-9) = -13

Different signs: If the integers to be added have the different signs, we add the integers and use the sign of greater integer

-15 + 6 = -9

18 + (-4) = 14

Subtraction Rules:

Subtraction can be understood as addition of the opposite. While subtracting two integers, sign of second integer is changed and added to first integer following the rules of addition of integers

-14 – (-17) = -14 + 17 = 3

In the above example, – changes to + and -17 changes to 17.

-14 – 17 = -14 + (-17) = -23

In the above example, – changes to + and 17 changes to -17.

Multiplication and Division Rules

Same signs: If both the integers have same sign the answer of multiplication or division is positive.

54 ÷ 6 = 9                                   -54 ÷ (-6) = 9

8 × 4 = 32                                – 8 × (-4) = 32

Different signs: If the integers have different signs the answer of multiplication or division is negative.

-4 × 3 = -12                               4 × (-3) = -12

-24 ÷ 6 = -4                               24 ÷ (-6) = -4

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