
Properties of Logarithmic Functions

Properties of Logarithmic Functions 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A logarithmic function is basically the inverse of an exponential function. Take a >0 and a≠1.  Then the inverse of the function f:RàR defined fy f(x)=ax is logax which is…

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Algebra; Logarithmic Functions

Algebra; Logarithmic Functions 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A logarithmic function is basically the inverse of an exponential function. Take a >0 and a≠1.  Then the inverse of the function f:RàR defined fy f(x)=ax is logax which is…

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Algebra: Exponential Functions

Algebra: Exponential Functions 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

There are many quantities like population, compound interest etc.  in real life which grow exponentially.  So understanding of exponential functions is  an essential to deal with such type of things…

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Processes and Formulae: Iterative, Recursive, Explicit

Processes and Formulae: Iterative, Recursive, Explicit 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Iterative process: This is a process which involves a formula for a list of values. Here, this process begins with a starting value and which when substituted into the formula…

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Algebra: Symbolic Logic

Algebra: Symbolic Logic 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Proposition: A proposition is a statement which is either true or false but not both. For example, 9<10 (true) is proposition; 4+9=14 is a proposition (false). The truthfulness or falsity…

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Order of Operations: PEMDAS

Order of Operations: PEMDAS 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Arithmetic operations involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc.  In an arithmetic operation, anything that is not a number may be an operation. Long ago, there was a lot of confusion…

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Algebra: How to do Vector Product (Cross Product)

Algebra: How to do Vector Product (Cross Product) 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

In vector product of vectors, the vector components are combined to give a vector. The vector product of two vectors is a vector which is perpendicular to both the given…

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Algebra: How to do Vector Addition

Algebra: How to do Vector Addition 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A Vector is a quantity which has both magnitude and direction. Example: Force, velocity, momentum etc. A vector is represented by a directed line segment. If the vector has the…

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Ratio and Proportion

Ratio and Proportion 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Ratio: In a group of people, there are 20 men and 25 women then the ratio of men to women is 20/25. Here since the word men came first its…

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Algebra: What is Direct Proportion?

Algebra: What is Direct Proportion? 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A person went to a super market and purchased some items and calculated the bill. After that he added few more items to the list and observed that there is…

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