
Laws of Logarithm

Laws of Logarithm 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Laws, also called as rules, of logarithm are set of relations which enable us to write logarithmic expressions in different, yet equivalent, ways. Below are the most commonly used rules…

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Factoring Quadratic Equation

Factoring Quadratic Equation 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A quadratic equation is a one-variable polynomial equation of the second degree whose general form is: ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are constants…

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Completing the Square

Completing the Square 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A quadratic equation is a one-variable polynomial equation of the second degree whose general form is: ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are constants…

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Multiply and Divide Complex Numbers

Multiply and Divide Complex Numbers 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Multiplication of Complex Numbers The product of complex numbers a + bi and c + di is given as: (a + bi) + (c + di) = (ac – bd)…

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Conjugate, Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers

Conjugate, Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Conjugate of complex number The conjugate of a complex number z = a + bi is: a – bi Example: Conjugate of 7 – 5i = 7 + 5i Addition…

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Algebraic Identities

Algebraic Identities 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Solving algebraic problems get easy with readily available expressions. These expressions are knows as algebraic identities or rules which makes the job of a person easy, fast and reduces the…

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Imaginary Numbers: Understanding the Imaginary Part

Imaginary Numbers: Understanding the Imaginary Part 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

We are told that we cannot take square root of a negative number. However, we can take the square root of a negative number, but it involves using a new…

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Introduction to Complex Numbers

Introduction to Complex Numbers 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A complex number is a number which can be put in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is called the imaginary unit,…

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Inverse Relationship Between Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

Inverse Relationship Between Logarithmic and Exponential Functions 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

There is inverse relationship between logarithmic and exponential functions given by expressions below: If, y = ax then, x = loga(y) That is, if x raise to power a is…

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Review of Geometric Series

Review of Geometric Series 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A geometric series is a series with a constant ratio between successive terms. For example,   Since this ratio is common to all consecutive pairs of terms, it is called…

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