
Math Review of Special Products of Binomials

Math Review of Special Products of Binomials 150 150 Deborah

Overview The FOIL Method is a shortcut to multiplying binomials, rather than using the distributive property twice.  Some special products of binomials suggest other patterns, such as the product of…

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Math Review of Multiplying Monomials and Binomials

Math Review of Multiplying Monomials and Binomials 150 150 Deborah

Overview Multiplying a binomial by a monomial follows certain rules, using the distributive and associative properties.  Multiplying a binomial by another binomial follows similar rules, and leads to the FOIL…

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Math Review of Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

Math Review of Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 150 150 Deborah

Overview Adding and subtracting polynomials is similar to adding and subtracting other expressions.  Terms can be combined using the Commutative and Associative properties for addition, then like terms can be…

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Math Review of Polynomials

Math Review of Polynomials 150 150 Deborah

Overview Polynomials contain variables, constants, and exponents.  The simplest polynomial is called a monomial, as a monomial consists of a single expression. Other polynomials are a sum of monomials. Monomials…

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Math Review of Division of Exponents

Math Review of Division of Exponents 150 150 Deborah

Overview As division is the inverse of multiplication, so division of exponents is the inverse of multiplication of exponents.  There are properties for the division of exponents similar to the…

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Math Review of Multiplication of Exponents

Math Review of Multiplication of Exponents 150 150 Deborah

Overview Exponents are used as a type of shorthand directing how many times that a base number is multiplied by itself. Exponential expressions are useful when working with very large…

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Math Review of Exponents

Math Review of Exponents 150 150 Deborah

Overview Just as positive exponents direct how many times that a base number can be multiplied by itself, zero and negative exponents direct a similar relationship between the base number…

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Math Review of Solving Systems of Linear Equations

Math Review of Solving Systems of Linear Equations 150 150 Deborah

Overview Systems of linear equations can be solved by other methods than graphing, such as substitution and elimination. When solving by elimination, some systems can be solved by addition, subtraction,…

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Math Review of Systems of Linear Equations

Math Review of Systems of Linear Equations 150 150 Deborah

Overview Linear equations can form a system if two or more equations contain the same linear variables. A solution to a system of linear equations must be correct for both…

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Math Review of Transforming Linear Functions

Math Review of Transforming Linear Functions 150 150 Deborah

Overview The graphs of linear functions can be transformed without changing the shape of the line by changing the location of the y intercept or the slope of the line.…

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