
Math Review of Operations with Sets

Math Review of Operations with Sets 150 150 Deborah

Overview Operations with sets include the union of sets, the intersection of sets, and complements of sets. These operations can be applied to solve survey problems using sets. Special Types…

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Math Review of Multiplication of Matrices

Math Review of Multiplication of Matrices 150 150 Deborah

Overview: The dimensions of a matrix are important to its definition.  In order for the multiplication of two matrices to be meaningful, each matrix must have certain dimensions.  Multiplication of…

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Math Introduction to Sets and Logic

Math Introduction to Sets and Logic 150 150 Deborah

Overview Thinking about sets of objects and numbers is as simple as counting and as complex as infinity and transfinite numbers. Sets are an essential underlying concept of mathematics and…

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Math Review of Infinity

Math Review of Infinity 150 150 Deborah

Overview Infinity in math means endlessness, limitlessness, and unboundedness. Different levels and symbols exist, which depend on how it is defined. There are many applications in science for the endlessly…

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Math Review of Solving Systems of Equations Using Elimination

Math Review of Solving Systems of Equations Using Elimination 150 150 Deborah

Overview One of the methods for solving systems of equations with two variables adds the equations together and then eliminates one variable. It is a useful strategy when solving by…

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Math Review of Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities

Math Review of Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities 150 150 Deborah

Overview Similar to systems of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities can be solved graphically, by using substitution, or by using elimination. If the systems are solved graphically, or represented…

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The FOIL Method of Factoring Polynomials when A Is Not Equal to 1

The FOIL Method of Factoring Polynomials when A Is Not Equal to 1 150 150 Deborah

Overview When the a term has a coefficient of 1, polynomials can be factored into the form (a +b) (a +c) without worrying about its effect. However, if that a…

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Math Review of Solving Systems of Equations Using Substitution

Math Review of Solving Systems of Equations Using Substitution 150 150 Deborah

Overview A system of equations refers to at least 2 equations that have at least one variable in common. Each equation gives a piece of information about the variables that…

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Back to School Math Review of Positive and Negative Numbers

Back to School Math Review of Positive and Negative Numbers 150 150 Deborah

Overview Think of the number zero as the center of the number line. It is neither positive nor negative. Negative numbers are on the left side of zero on the…

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Review of Practical Solutions for Math Anxiety

Review of Practical Solutions for Math Anxiety 150 150 Deborah

Overview Math is an integral part of life, yet some students find it more than difficult to study it because of anxiety over doing math. There are practical solutions that…

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