December 2017

Fixing Social Nightmares

Fixing Social Nightmares 150 150 Shannon Scofield

While it’s true that many skills useful at home are taught in school – such as cooking; there are many people in this modern age that struggle with social awkwardness.…

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Time vs. You – Who is the Real Master?

Time vs. You – Who is the Real Master? 150 150 Brianna Chandra

It can save your butt and kick it too. I have had both horrendous and pleasant experiences with time management, how I choose to allot my time. Near the end…

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What skill or subject do you think should be taught in school that would help you in your everyday life?

What skill or subject do you think should be taught in school that would help you in your everyday life? 150 150 Patricia josephine purnawan

What if every school have a character building lesson. That will be help teenagers in America. In America many high school student already bahaving badly to theirs of like using…

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Government is Everywhere and People Need to Understand It

Government is Everywhere and People Need to Understand It 150 150 Saviana Metter

An important school subject that is not taught at all schools, but should be, is government. I, fortunately, am at a school that does require seniors to take government, whether…

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Personal Financing

Personal Financing 150 150 Shelby Myers

The skills of self budgeting and money management should be taught and required in every school because it would help students everyday, not only after,, but during high school. A…

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