English and Grammar

Communicating Clearly: Avoiding Dangling Modifiers

Communicating Clearly: Avoiding Dangling Modifiers 150 150 Suzanne

When the subject of a main clause is insufficiently connected to a word or phrase that modifies it, this word or phrase is described as a ‘dangling modifier.ʼ A proper…

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Grammar: Understanding Past Perfect Tense

Grammar: Understanding Past Perfect Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

We use the Past Perfect tense to show that an action in the past finished before another action in the past started.  The past perfect tense is formed with the…

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Grammar: Understanding Past Continuous Tense

Grammar: Understanding Past Continuous Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Continuous tenses are also known as progressive tenses. Past continuous tense uses present participle with ‘ing’. The past continuous tense is an important tense used to express action at a…

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Understanding Simple Past Tense

Understanding Simple Past Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Past tense is used to express actions started and finished in past. Simple past tense is type of past tense used: To express action completed in past Example: I went…

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Understanding Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Understanding Present Perfect Continuous Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The present tense locates an event or a situation in present time. Present perfect continuous tense is used to express an action that started in past and is still going…

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Understanding Present Perfect Tense

Understanding Present Perfect Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The present tense locates an event or a situation in present time. Present perfect tense is a type of present tense which is used: For the action that has completed…

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Understanding Present Continuous Tense

Understanding Present Continuous Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The present tense locates an event or a situation in present time. Present continuous tense is type of present tense used: To show an action going on at present e.g.…

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English Grammar: Understanding Simple Present Tense

English Grammar: Understanding Simple Present Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The present tense locates an event or a situation in present time. Simple present tense is used for the following purposes: to express habitual action e.g. Harry goes to church…

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Grammar Basics: Understand the Ellipsis and Period

Grammar Basics: Understand the Ellipsis and Period 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Full Stop (or Period) The period or full stop (.) is the most commonly used punctuation in English language. It is used at the end of a sentence. A space…

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How to Use a Semi-Colon

How to Use a Semi-Colon 150 150 Suzanne

There are a few ways that a semi-colon can be used. The first way to use a semi-colon is for the separation of two independent clauses, or sentences. Generally one…

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