English and Grammar

English Review of Types of Sentences

English Review of Types of Sentences 150 150 Deborah

Overview Varying the types of sentences used within paragraphs can lead to effective writing. Some types of sentences include the simple sentence, the compound sentence, the complex sentence, and the…

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English Review of Types of Text

English Review of Types of Text 150 150 Deborah

Overview Students read and study different types of text, including expository text, persuasive text, expressive text, and literary text. Different types of text have different purposes, and understanding the author’s…

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English Review of Building Vocabulary

English Review of Building Vocabulary 150 150 Deborah

Overview It is very important to have a good vocabulary in order to do the amount and type of reading required in high school and college. Some strategies for building…

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English Review: Spelling

English Review: Spelling 150 150 Deborah

Overview Spelling errors are some of the most common types of errors to find when editing an essay. Some words are often misspelled, while other words are commonly confused. Strategies to…

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English Review: Modifiers

English Review: Modifiers 150 150 Deborah

Overview Modifiers are words, such as adjectives or adverbs, or phrases, such as prepositional phrases, that add description to other words in a sentence.  Check to see if they are…

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English Review: Verbs

English Review: Verbs 150 150 Deborah

Overview Verbs carry the action in sentences. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to choose the correct form of the verb to use when number, order, and tense are in question.…

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English Review: Problems with Pronouns

English Review: Problems with Pronouns 150 150 Deborah

Overview Pronouns often cause trouble, and incorrect pronouns can be caught and corrected when editing an essay. They may be part of a compound subject or object. The pronoun reference…

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English Review: Sentence Fragments and Run-Ons

English Review: Sentence Fragments and Run-Ons 150 150 Deborah

Overview Some of the errors to watch for when editing an essay include sentence fragments and run-on sentences. Sentence fragments are phrases that may have subjects but lack verbs. Run-on…

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English Review: Editing the Essay

English Review: Editing the Essay 150 150 Deborah

Overview The essay is nearly in its final form. Congratulate yourself, because you’ve done a lot of work since those first few words. Your thesis statement is formalized, and drafts…

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English Review: Revising the Essay Draft

English Review: Revising the Essay Draft 150 150 Deborah

Overview The essay began with an idea, which expanded into a thesis statement, a draft outline, a draft introduction, and paragraphs on a page. By this time, writers have some…

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