English and Grammar

English Review: Beyond the Essay Introduction

English Review: Beyond the Essay Introduction 150 150 Deborah

Overview The draft outline has been written, a tentative thesis statement has been formed, and a provisional introduction is on the page. The computer cursor is blinking, but at least…

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English Review: Writing an Essay Introduction

English Review: Writing an Essay Introduction 150 150 Deborah

Overview Writing the introduction to an essay can be a confusing process. Students have to decide whether to explain why the topic is important, provide background or description, or just…

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English Review of Outlining the Essay

English Review of Outlining the Essay 150 150 Deborah

  Overview Writing an outline is an important step to ensure structure in a finished essay. Some writers choose to form a firm thesis statement before they write the first…

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English Review of Prewriting the Essay

English Review of Prewriting the Essay 150 150 Deborah

Overview Sometimes, the most difficult part of writing an essay is getting past the first few sentences or even the first few words. The blank page or the blinking cursor…

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Back-to-School Review of Apostrophes

Back-to-School Review of Apostrophes 150 150 Deborah

Overview: Apostrophes are used to form contractions and possessives.  They  denote missing letters in contractions, and who possesses the object in possessives.  Many possessives have homonyms, so it is important…

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Review of Capitalization

Review of Capitalization 150 150 Deborah

Overview: Capitalizing words within a sentence or title alerts readers to the importance of those words.  Besides the first word beginning a sentence, proper nouns, special events, some awards, specific…

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Back-to-School Spelling Review of Plurals

Back-to-School Spelling Review of Plurals 150 150 Deborah

 Overview: Most plurals are regular and formed by adding -s or -es.  However, other words, such as child, have irregular plural forms.  A few words, such as deer and sheep,…

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Back-to-School Review: Use of Commas

Back-to-School Review: Use of Commas 150 150 Deborah

Overview: Commas are one of the most common forms of punctuation inside sentences.  They separate words and phrases that occur in a series, between cities and states, between states and countries,…

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Identifying Fact and Opinion in Reading Passages

Identifying Fact and Opinion in Reading Passages 150 150 Deborah

Overview:  Fact or Opinion In order to read effectively in middle and high school, students must be able to identify and comprehend which statements are fact, and  which are  opinion. …

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Types of Writing in the Workplace

Types of Writing in the Workplace 150 150 Deborah

Overview:  Writing Is Practical Workplace writing is the most common type of writing outside of school.  It is directed toward specific results, communicating in ways that are clear, direct, and…

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