English and Grammar

Quotation Marks, and How to “Use” Them

Quotation Marks, and How to “Use” Them 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Quotation marks are used in almost every type of text. Whether it is an essay for a school assignment, to a major publication, there is no escaping them. American quotation…

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English Help: Conjunctions

English Help: Conjunctions 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Sentence variety is important in any good essays. This includes using different vocabulary and sentence structures. Too much punctuation causes run-on sentences, while not enough punctuation causes short and choppy…

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English Help: Pronouns

English Help: Pronouns 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Pronouns are words that replace nouns in sentences. In order to use pronouns, we must have a noun for it to replace. This noun is called the antecedent of the…

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Tautology and Logical Equivalence

Tautology and Logical Equivalence 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

In writing, statements can be evaluated in regard to one another. Depending on their relation, they may be observed as a Tautology or a Logical Equivalence. Tautology: If we consider…

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Cognative Friday: Be Reasonable!

Cognative Friday: Be Reasonable! 150 150 Suzanne

How many times have we all heard the phrase, “Be reasonable!”? This is, of course, one of the goals for teaching children and so, thinking about how we teach reason,…

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Cognitive Friday: Maximizing Learning Styles

Cognitive Friday: Maximizing Learning Styles 150 150 Suzanne

A learning style inventory is an assessment that shows people the modes in which they learn best. It is not an assessment in the common high-stakes sense of the word,…

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The Three Cases of Personal Pronouns

The Three Cases of Personal Pronouns 150 150 Suzanne

Pronouns have three cases, which is what indicates how that pronoun is related to the words that it is used with. The three cases are: nominative, possessive, and objective. The…

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Precision in Language

Precision in Language 150 150 Suzanne

Using the right word is important when trying to be accurate and specific while writing or speaking. Following are some (more) commonly confused words, with examples in usage. Among vs.…

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Priming and Decision-Making

Priming and Decision-Making 150 150 Suzanne

The psychological phenomenon of priming affects a number of mental processes. Priming is like an advanced notification system, however a person is receiving notifications that affect what they think and…

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How the Perfect Tense Works

How the Perfect Tense Works 150 150 Suzanne

Perfect tense is formed by using the appropriate tense and form of the verb “to have,” followed by the past participle form of a verb. Except for irregular verbs, the…

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