Overview Roulettes are special types of curves that are made when one curve is rotated around another by a fixed point. They are in Euclidean space, and can be described…
read moreOverview There are infinitely many regular polygons. However, there are a fixed number of regular polyhedra, called Platonic solids. Mathematicians use the definitions of the regular polygons and the characteristics…
read moreOverview The quantity represented by the Greek letter tau (6.283185…) is the proportion of the circumference of a circle to its radius. The use of tau simplifies the relationships between angles…
read moreOverview The number represented by the Greek letter pi (3.14159…) is one of the most famous irrational numbers in mathematics. It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle…
read moreOverview Mathematical patterns underlie everything in the natural world, including those human extensions of the natural world that surround us. Some of those mathematical patterns are expressed in the arts,…
read moreOverview Mathematical patterns underlie human activity, as far back as we can discover ancient artifacts. Architectural wonders such as the Parthenon, the Pyramids, and other ruins show that civilizations were…
read moreOverview Space figures exist in three dimensions. Some examples include spheres, cubes, tetrahedra, polyhedra, cylinders, cones, and other types of solids. Space Figures Add Depth Plane figures such as polygons…
read moreOverview Plane figures in geometry include points, segments, lines, rays, and angles, polygons, curves, and circles. They appear on a flat plane. Points, Segments, Lines, Rays, and Angles Think of…
read moreOverview If two linear equations are solved, and their solution is graphed on a Cartesian coordinate plane, there are three possibilities. The lines may be the same, with all solutions…
read moreOverview Math is an integral part of life, yet some students find it more than difficult to study it because of anxiety over doing math. There are practical solutions that…
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