
Differentiation From First Principles

Differentiation From First Principles 301 244 School Tutoring

A key part of any math students academic arsenal is the ability to find the derivative or a function. This is an invaluable skill when dealing with calculus and other…

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Mathematics Review: Factoring

Mathematics Review: Factoring 225 225 School Tutoring

Instead of using the quadratic formula to solve quadratics, we may be able to factor it instead. Factoring is an important part of simplifying and solving equations and will make…

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The Rules of Differentiation

The Rules of Differentiation 792 658 School Tutoring

Differential can seem like a lengthy and complicated process when done through first principles. Luckily for math students everywhere, there are a number of rules which can be used to…

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Physics: Momentum and Impulse

Physics: Momentum and Impulse 610 300 School Tutoring

When you jump , you automatically bend your knees. Why does this make a better jump? It is because of Impulse. Impulse is Force multiplied by time. Impulse = Force…

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Mathematics Review: Proving Trigonometry Identities

Mathematics Review: Proving Trigonometry Identities 385 314 School Tutoring

Trigonometry identity questions are usually you are given an equation and you have to change either left or right side in to another, using the properties below.   sin θ…

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Introduction to Probability: Mutually Exclusive Events

Introduction to Probability: Mutually Exclusive Events 200 166 School Tutoring

Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur simultaneously. Here are some examples of events which are mutually exclusive: Turning left and turning right are mutually exclusive because you…

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Physics Revisit: Waves

Physics Revisit: Waves 620 324 School Tutoring

The wave is a new concept for most students. When there is only one wave, you only need to worry about four things: wavelength, frequency, amplitude and velocity. Wavelength is…

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Four Rules to Remember When Dealing With Exponents

Four Rules to Remember When Dealing With Exponents 200 166 School Tutoring

There are four important rules you must always remember when solving questions dealing with exponents. Rule One: When you multiply two exponents with the same base, add the exponents. Examples…

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How to Solve Ratio Questions

How to Solve Ratio Questions 328 291 School Tutoring

A ratio is a simplified comparison between two or more components. For example, if a person A, and a person B is going to start a business. They don’t know…

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Introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem

Introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem 300 239 School Tutoring

The Pythagorean Theorem relates the lengths of the three sides of any right angle triangle. The two sides of the triangle that meet at the right angle are normally labelled…

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