Scholarship Essay Submissions

The sacrifice of my life for calculus

The sacrifice of my life for calculus 150 150 Chioma Ahaghotu

My major is Public Health Science as one of the requirements course for the major I had to take Elementary Calculus 1 or Math220. Elementary Calculus 1 was one of…

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A subject that I struggle with

A subject that I struggle with 150 150 Lisa

We all have subjects that we’re not really good at which can hold us back from having good academic progress but its up to us to make a change and…

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AP US History

AP US History 150 150 Kayla Smiley

Last year during my Junior Year, I took AP US History and I loved it. It was my favorite class, but I was really really bad at it. I loved…

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My AP Biology Crisis

My AP Biology Crisis 150 150 Jaedon Hanchard

Hi, my name is Jaedon Hanchard and when I was in tenth grade I took the class AP Biology and when I tell you I did not understand anything, I…

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Why can’t I understand how plants make food?

Why can’t I understand how plants make food? 150 150 Rebecca Dorfman

My whole schooling career I have always been one of “those” people. I never really needed to study because listening in class always managed to be enough for me to…

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Zombies made me read

Zombies made me read 150 150 Mason Sotomayor

I come from a family of avid readers. Some of my earliest memories involved trips to the bookstore with them. My sister, mom and dad had their prefered reading. For…

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Never giving up!

Never giving up! 150 150 Shaquasia Taylor

It was my last year of high school! Finally made it to my senior year and I was so excited. I was happy about all my classes except AP English.…

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My Academic Struggle

My Academic Struggle 150 150 Irie Jones

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I remained a straight-A student in math. I was in honors math classes, performing at high levels, and always being the…

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The Truth of Independence

The Truth of Independence 150 150 Mohammed Issa

Going into high school, the age demographic resembled maturity, sophistication, adulthood. This was the start of independence for most students, many of which are preparing for their lives after high…

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How I struggled in American History Honors and overcame it

How I struggled in American History Honors and overcame it 150 150 Diamond Gray

My junior year, which was last year, I took American History honors 1. I would say I’m an average student. I take regular and honors classes, but I ask people’s…

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