
How to Calculate Work Done by a Force

How to Calculate Work Done by a Force 1069 694 School Tutoring

Work is the energy applied to an object as it moves some distance. The amount of work done is directly proportional to the magnitude of force applied, as well as…

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Chemistry Review of Types of Physical and Chemical Changes

Chemistry Review of Types of Physical and Chemical Changes 150 150 Deborah

Overview: Matter can undergo many types of changes.  Physical changes to a substance do not change its chemical composition, while chemical changes to a substance change its chemical composition.  Compare…

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Determining Genotypes and Phenotypes using Punnett Squares

Determining Genotypes and Phenotypes using Punnett Squares 150 150 Teaching Staff

Overview: Punnett squares are diagrams designed to predict results of classic breeding experiments. They support Mendelian inheritance, as well as the laws of segregation and independent assortment. During meiosis, chromatids…

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Pedigree: How to determine your genetic lineage

Pedigree: How to determine your genetic lineage 150 150 Teaching Staff

Overview: Pedigrees are visual representations of a family’s genetic history. Each pedigree focuses on one specific gene that is studied by geneticists. There are several benefits of studying a family’s…

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How to Prepare a Solution of Proper Concentration

How to Prepare a Solution of Proper Concentration 150 150 Teaching Staff

Overview: When in a chemistry lab or just writing a test, many students struggle with how to create a solution of known concentration. Students find it difficult because they try…

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Introduction to Genetics

Introduction to Genetics 150 150 Teaching Staff

What is Genetics? Genetics is the study of how various traits are passed down generations. Traits are determined by the inheritance of genes, units of genetic information found on chromosomes.…

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Determining Oxidation Numbers

Determining Oxidation Numbers 150 150 Teaching Staff

Overview: Balancing REDOX reactions can be more difficult than balancing any normal equation; however, there are steps that you can take to ensure that you do it correctly and end…

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Types of Chemical Reactions

Types of Chemical Reactions 150 150 Teaching Staff

Overview: Chemical reactions occur when two or more elements are introduced to each other. A few molecular and atomic rearrangements occur in order to change our products. There are 5…

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What are Greenhouse Gases?

What are Greenhouse Gases? 150 150 Teaching Staff

Overview: For the past several years we have become increasingly aware of the adverse effects that humans have had to the Earth and various species and ecosystems within it. One…

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Comprehension Review: Interpreting Graphs and Charts

Comprehension Review: Interpreting Graphs and Charts 150 150 Deborah

Overview:  What Do Graphs and Charts Do When Added to Text? Graphs and charts present information in order to clarify and extend text.  They are an important tool accompanying science…

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