September 2017

A Class I Knew I Could Beat

A Class I Knew I Could Beat 150 150 Casey Howard

School gets harder and harder each year you’re in it. As a senior taking AP and Honor courses it gets harder to understand these courses. AP English Lang is one…

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Biology 150 150 Tyler Rice

In my second year in high school, I was enrolled in Biology Honors as a sophomore. The entire course was a very demanding one. Throughout the first few classworks and…

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My struggle

My struggle 150 150 Eric Serrano-Garcia

I was never the smartest kid in the class, never have been and never will be. Knowing this I knew I had to work harder than usual but I was…

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A Forceful Realization

A Forceful Realization 150 150 Abigail Reinert

Last year, in my physics class, I was completely lost. I hadn’t realized how much work I had needed to start putting in as the content became increasingly harder. Each…

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ONE Failed AP Exam at a Time

ONE Failed AP Exam at a Time 150 150 Haley Coe

Throughout my early high school career, I was unstoppable in math. When I got to calc is when it started to challenge me. Things weren’t clicking, and everything I knew…

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Overcoming the lagest obstacle

Overcoming the lagest obstacle 150 150 VIctoria Roe

Throughout elementary and middle school, it was always very hard for me to stay on task and pay attention when the teachers were talking. I struggled to complete a task…

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My struggles in algebra

My struggles in algebra 150 150 Adilene medina

The time that I struggled in a school subject was in seventh grade in algebra. I had a teacher that was fresh out of college, he was my home room…

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Struggles in School

Struggles in School 150 150 Kennedy Wood

Biology was a subject that I struggled with in school. Up until taking biology my freshmen year, I had not had any previous struggles. I had a hard time understanding…

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The essentials of having a tutor

The essentials of having a tutor 150 150 Robert Williams

All throughout school, I’ve struggled in math. Once I started to take higher level maths, my grades plummeted. I figured that I just must not be good at math and…

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A tornado blew and a disaster struck. In eighth grade, I have never made a B let alone a C. What happened on the test? An F appeared in bright,…

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