September 2017

Speaker’s Block

Speaker’s Block 150 150 Amber Zarevich

When I first got into high school, I was completely lost in Spanish. I had Spanish 2 for my last class of the day, right after lunch. I don’t know…

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A Little work goes a long way

A Little work goes a long way 150 150 Nadia Sexton

When I was in elementary school I had a difficult time reading. I was so bad at reading there were times I would avoid it like the plague. After my…

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Conquering AP Chemistry

Conquering AP Chemistry 150 150 Taylor Ostrum

Last year, as a high school junior, I decided to face the daunting task of taking AP Chemistry. I was convinced I could complete the course without much effort, but…

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The Struggle is Real….

The Struggle is Real…. 150 150 Tyler Chen

Currently, I am in my 3rd year in school, and things have been getting a little hectic. My first 2 years here at school have been kind of a breeze,…

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Don’t be shy

Don’t be shy 150 150 faivon moise

In life we will face many struggles , especially in school but that’s why we have tutors. In the 10th grade i had a major paper due for my social…

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Choices in Tough Circumstances

Choices in Tough Circumstances 150 150 Raegan Vegh

I sighed, pressed my fingers against my eyes so hard that I saw spots, and laid my head down on the desk in front of me. My heart pounded so…

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Failing Every Test but One

Failing Every Test but One 150 150 Nola Wilson

In middle school I was the student who aced classes with ease, never really struggling in my grades or understanding classwork. I was the student people came to for help…

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