
Naming Organic Compounds

Naming Organic Compounds 877 1024 Teaching Staff

Naming organic molecules can seem like a daunting task, because lets face it, there are more rules than most of us care to learn. That being said, the aim of…

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Tips for Factoring Polynomials

Tips for Factoring Polynomials 970 1024 Teaching Staff

Polynomial Factoring:   As in many fields, the manner in which we approach a problem In mathematics can greatly affect how we go about solving it. By finding the factors…

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SchoolTutoring | Winter 2018 Scholarship Submissions

SchoolTutoring | Winter 2018 Scholarship Submissions admin

Future Education   By Courtland Andrew Helton To live in the modern world and be successful, one must have more education than the average citizen. But how will education look…

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The 3 Types of Natural Selection

The 3 Types of Natural Selection 960 663 Teaching Staff

Natural selection is defined as a process or a “force” that allows for organisms better adapted to their environment to better survive and produce more offspring. The theory of natural…

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Le Châtelier’s Principal

Le Châtelier’s Principal 656 720 Teaching Staff

A difficult concept in chemistry is the equilibrium of chemical equations. Chemical reactions do not always react to completion, and they can proceed in either direction if it is written…

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Literary Devices

Literary Devices 960 640 Teaching Staff

Literary devices are techniques used by writers to create depth and meaning to the messages they are trying to convey. Knowing some of the more common literary devices can be…

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The Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem 960 664 Teaching Staff

Triangles are an important shape that come up all over the place in life, which is why trigonometry is one of the most important fields of mathematics. Pythagorean theorem is…

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The Circulatory System

The Circulatory System 1920 1080 Teaching Staff

There are multiple organ systems in the human body that work together to keep us alive. One of these systems is the circulatory system. The major components of the circulatory…

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Forces in Physics

Forces in Physics 695 686 Teaching Staff

There are several different types of forces that exist. One way of categorizing different forces is into contact and non-contact forces. A contact force requires something to be physically touching…

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Types of Chemical Reactions

Types of Chemical Reactions 708 720 Teaching Staff

There are various types of chemical reactions that occur in chemistry, but many reactions tend to follow 1 of 5 main types. Becoming familiar with these types of chemical reactions…

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