
Physics Tutors

We offer comprehensive physics tutoring programs to students at all levels

Request One-on-one Academic Assessment

    SchoolTutoring Academy’s offers Physics tutoring for students in grades 9-12 and AP-level classes with one-on-one instruction in various areas and topics in Physics. The emphasis is on teaching the fundamentals of Physics through real-life examples and illustrations.

    A Physics tutor can instill confidence in a student while helping them improve academically. Call our Academic Directors at 1-877-545-7737 to learn more about our tutors or find out how to get started with us.

    Contact our Academic Directors Today at 1-877-545-7737 to Discuss your Child’s Strengths and Areas for Improvement.

    Working with Our Physics Tutors

    SchoolTutoring Academy’s Physics tutoring can start with basic Physics fundamentals to help a student build a solid foundation of understand. Or we can work on specific concepts a student is struggling with. Both approaches allow the student to build upon their knowledge. Our Physics tutors can tailor lessons to the needs of your student and teach:

    • Force and Motion
    • Mass and Density
    • Electricity
    • Magnetic Fields and Forces
    • Temperature and Heat
    • Waves and Sound
    • Statics and Mechanics
    • Nature of the Atom
    • Electromagnetic Waves and Light
    • Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics

    A Proven Approach That Builds Confidence

    At SchoolTutoring Academy, we recognize the importance of instilling confidence in students so they can meet the challenges inherent in successfully learning Physics fundamentals. Over the years, we have found that students enjoy Physics when they have the tools to understand the material and abilities to think through exercises and reason their way to potential answers. Whether it is help in understanding a concept, assistance with homework, or providing effective ways to study for an exam, our Physics tutors work with students to aid them through these so that they become confident in Physics.

    Contact SchoolTutoring Academy Today

    Call us at 1-877-545-7737 to speak with our Academic Directors and discuss your student’s abilities. We’ll set up a trial assessment to pinpoint specific areas where your student may have challenges and develop a customized tutoring plan according to their needs.

    Meet Our Tutors

    Meet Some of Our Physics Tutors

    Each of them is highly-qualified K-12 and university educators

    Testimonials and Case Studies from Our Parents

    SchoolTutoring Academy regularly receives letters and emails from parents about their experience with our programs. Have a great story or anecdote about your experience with any of SchoolTutoring Academy’s programs? We want to hear about it!


    One-on-one Academic Assessment