Establishing a strong relationship between parents and their child’s teacher is vital in ensuring the academic success of the student. Here are some tips for creating a positive relationship with your child’s teacher and establishing good communication habits.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent-teacher interviews can seem insignificant especially if your child is doing well in class, but it is a great way to establish that first point of contact with their teacher. Even is your student is doing well in class it is important to establish a positive relationship with their teacher from the start. Let your child’s teacher know you are invested in your child’s education. You can start by learning about the teacher’s approach and goals in the classroom. If there are any factors at home that will be affecting your child at school, it is important to let the teacher know so they can take that information into account when providing instruction to your child. This is also a good time to establish a method to communicate with the teacher throughout the year. Many teachers nowadays will use email to keep in contact with parents.
If you are unsure of what you should be asking during parent teacher interviews, here are some questions to get you started: What can I do to help my child succeed? Do you feel my child is working to the best of his/her abilities? Do you feel my child needs extra assistance?
Maintaining Communication
It is very important to maintain good communication with your child’s teacher throughout the year. Email or phone calls are a great way to keep in touch. If your student is in the younger grades, you can also communicate through notes in your child’s planner. This way you can let them know if your child is struggling with specific material or if
they are going through a hard time at home. Remember to give your child’s teacher positive feedback as well! Teachers usually only hear from concerned parents so it’s always nice to hear about things their students are enjoying.
Involvement in the Classroom: Above and Beyond
With ever increasing class sizes, teachers always appreciate extra help in the classroom. If you have extra time during your day,volunteering in your child’s classroom is a step above and beyond that you can take. This is a great way to get to know the teacher and it gives you an opportunity to see how your child is faring in the classroom environment as well. Reading with a few children may give the teacher time to spend some time with students who require a bit more attention and will really be appreciated. Even offering to conduct a one-time session based on personal interest or becoming part of the parent-teacher council is a great way to become involved as well.
Remember, your teacher is there to help your child succeed. Going the extra mile to keep in touch with them will only enrich your child’s education and help them be the best that they can be!