Career Development

Effective Teamwork

Effective Teamwork 960 504 Teaching Staff

Teamwork is an aspect of everyone’s lives. At some point in time, everyone has had to work as a part of a team; in the workplace, at school, or even…

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Resiliency: The ability to rebound from the bad back to the good

Resiliency: The ability to rebound from the bad back to the good 270 187 Teaching Staff

The expectations placed on students can be overwhelming at times. From homework and extracurriculars to home obligations and personal issues, students have several social, mental and physical aspects of life…

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Going Against the Crowd: A Guide to Living Independently

Going Against the Crowd: A Guide to Living Independently 640 360 Teaching Staff

Young children live life on a whim. They are wild and unapologetic, completely ignorant to social constraints. Concepts like acceptance and popularity are non factors since their self-image has yet…

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Choosing a Major

Choosing a Major 799 446 Teaching Staff

Choosing a major is hard! Of the countless interesting programs available, it is difficult to know which one is going to be the best fit personally. Although switching majors throughout…

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Life After High School

Life After High School 848 450 Teaching Staff

Graduating high school is a huge milestone! Four years of hard work and dedication will culminate to one grand celebration of accomplishment. Beyond commencement however, is an empty canvas awaiting…

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Learning a Second Language

Learning a Second Language 734 350 Teaching Staff

Introduction Learning a second language has had an immense impact on my life as a student, an employee and on the day to day interactions I have. It’s an experience…

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An Interest in the Arts During High School = Music to the Ears of Your Future

An Interest in the Arts During High School = Music to the Ears of Your Future 630 293 Teaching Staff

Many students across North America are starting to realize that it takes more than just good grades in high school to be successful after high school. Extracurricular activities are almost…

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5 Simple Steps to Improve your Confidence for Test-Taking

5 Simple Steps to Improve your Confidence for Test-Taking 2560 1707 Teaching Staff

It is not a far stretch to say that preparation for any test at school begins in the classroom. Any material that is covered in class could appear on a…

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4 Simple Steps to Increase Your Problem Solving Mastery

4 Simple Steps to Increase Your Problem Solving Mastery 1700 706 Teaching Staff

Every single subject taught in school is evaluated in one way: by having students solve problems. These problems take many different forms. In English, you may be asked to write…

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Are AP classes right for you?

Are AP classes right for you? 2560 1920 Teaching Staff

Advanced placement (AP) classes are high school classes which cover first year university or college curricula. These courses go in depth and cover content beyond what the average high school…

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