Are AP classes right for you?

Are AP classes right for you? 2560 1920 Teaching Staff

Advanced placement (AP) classes are high school classes which cover first year university or college curricula. These courses go in depth and cover content beyond what the average high school student would learn. There are many ways taking an AP class can benefit you.

Learn What You Love

AP classes are offered for various subjects including Calculus, English, History, Geography, French, Spanish, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Music and many more. With so many options out there, you can definitely find a class that you enjoy and get the opportunity to learn more!

College and University Credits

AP courses offer an exam which tests you on the material covered in the class. If you choose to take the exam, you have the opportunity to earn a college or university credit.

The exams are graded on a number system with scores ranging from 1 – 5, many universities and colleges will accept a score of 4 or 5 to give you a credit and allow you to bypass a first year course. This can definitely help save on tuition as the cost of the exams are only a fraction of what it would cost to take the course.

All that Knowledge

Even if you decide against taking the AP exam and bypassing some first year courses, the information you can learn in these classes can be very beneficial. Especially so when entering your first year of college or university – it can be a huge change and it can be a struggle to balance all aspects of your life.

The change in workload from high school to post-secondary school can be a struggle for many. Therefore, if you have already learned the material from some of your courses, it can ease the transition and give you more time to enjoy your first year of post-secondary school.

Where Can You Take It?exam-center

Not all schools offer every AP course out there; many only offer a select few. It is definitely a great idea to start your research early and see if there is a school in your area which offers the AP courses you would like to take.

If  your school doesn’t offer the AP course that you are looking for, many schools will be able to accommodate you by sending you the AP material that they are covering in class and allow you to attend any exam preparation sessions held at their school. This way you can learn that extra content and prepare for the exam.

If you are home schooled, you may also sign up to take the AP exams as well to earn any college or University credits you may be interested in.

Exam Costs

The AP board works to make the exams affordable for everyone. If you are a student with financial need, you may be able to get a reduced fee or a subsidiary.

SchoolTutoring Academy is the premier educational services company for K-12 and college students. We offer tutoring programs for students in K-12, AP classes, and college. To learn more about how we help parents and students in New Orleans, LA visit: Tutoring in New Orleans, LA.