The Benefits of Reading to Children

The Benefits of Reading to Children

The Benefits of Reading to Children 512 342 Teaching Staff

Although it is well known that reading is important, many people overlook the benefits of reading to their children.  Since they often cannot read to themselves, children rely on the adults around them to tell them the stories that they might otherwise miss.  There are many reasons to read to children, but this article will focus on five of the main benefits.


Foster a Love of Reading

Some people love to read, while others think of reading as a chore.  This is especially true for children who are still developing their reading skills.  By reading to your children, you can teach them that reading is fun! The more children read, the more they enjoy it, and the more benefits they will receive going forward.


Expand their Vocabulary, Imagination, and other Life Skills

Many studies have shown that reading often to children leads to better results in school.  This is because they will have developed a larger vocabulary on many different topics, and they will have the basic skills that they need to start reading.  For example, reading to children teaches them to read from left to right. Furthermore, stories help develop children’s imagination and creativity by telling them stories on a variety of topics.

Teach Important Life Lessons 

Children’s books today can be found on a variety of topics.  A story on diversity can teach children how different people deserve the same love and respect as everyone else, while another story might teach them how to take care of a younger sibling.  Younger children may enjoy books that teach them about the world around them, while older children may need help understanding their own worries and fears.


Focus on Family Time 

In our busy lives, it is often easy to forget how important it is to spend one-on-one time with your family.  By reading books to your children, you are spending quality time with your children. It allows for a physical connection with your children as well, as they can sit on your lap or cuddle with you while you read.

Establish a Bedtime Routine

Reading to your children every night can lead to a routine that signifies that it is time for bed.  Instead of fighting with your children to ensure that they go to bed on time, reading before bed can help them get excited for bedtime.  Reading also has the added benefit of calming your children down before bed so that they can sleep without interruptions.