Career Development

MOOC’s and Higher Learning

MOOC’s and Higher Learning 150 150 Suzanne

MOOC’s, or massive online open courses, are transforming the college landscape. The proliferation of these online courses is a benefit to students across the country, but also has drawbacks within…

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Good Reads and Recommendations

Good Reads and Recommendations 150 150 Suzanne

The study of the mind has a vast body of literature, which is not to be confused with the genre of self-help literature. Although books about the mind are extremely…

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The Framing Effect

The Framing Effect 150 150 Suzanne

Problem or opportunity…? It’s all in how you frame it. Such is ‘the framing effect.’ One of the tricks of the mind, and a key to how one is able…

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Why the Skills Gap Matters

Why the Skills Gap Matters 150 150 Suzanne

There is a good deal of talk about the ‘skills gap’ and how the educational system must address this reality through curriculum design and teaching practices. The skills gap that…

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Thinking About a Gap Year

Thinking About a Gap Year 150 150 Suzanne

A Gap Year is the year between high school and college in which students take on learning challenges, but one’s that are beyond the classroom. Gap Year programs or self-initiatives…

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Important Professional Skills to Develop Early

Important Professional Skills to Develop Early 150 150 Emma Taylor

An individual’s professional skills are extremely important in the business world. The way that someone cooperates with others, handles their workload, and acts around the office can determine their success…

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