
Identifying Critical Thinking Strengths

Identifying Critical Thinking Strengths 150 150 Suzanne

Critical thinking is a very broad term and to think about the different types of thinking strategies that fall under the critical thinking umbrella, can help to increase one’s ability…

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The Role of Advanced Placement Courses

The Role of Advanced Placement Courses 150 150 Suzanne

Students in high school have a great many options in terms of pursuing the types of coursework they want. Many districts offer Magnet Programs that provide enhanced education in specific…

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Learning to Study Before Going to College

Learning to Study Before Going to College 150 150 Callie

Your daughter’s college acceptance letter has just arrived and you couldn’t be more proud. You know better than anyone how hard your child has worked to get into college. Hundreds…

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Effective Parental Involvement

Effective Parental Involvement 150 150 Suzanne

There is a lot of pressure on parents to raise successful kids. There is a lot of discussion of the importance of parental involvement in their child’s education as being…

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Trends in Education

Trends in Education 150 150 Suzanne

One truism about education is that it is subject to trends. This can be seen in a positive or negative light, but the reality is that the efforts are directed…

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The Framing Effect

The Framing Effect 150 150 Suzanne

Problem or opportunity…? It’s all in how you frame it. Such is ‘the framing effect.’ One of the tricks of the mind, and a key to how one is able…

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How the Nation’s Report Card Is Made

How the Nation’s Report Card Is Made 150 150 Suzanne

Every two years, parents of children in grades 4, 8 and 12 are informed that their children will participate in the standardized test known as NAEP. This stands for the…

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Creativity and the Writing Process

Creativity and the Writing Process 150 150 Suzanne

Writing, love it or hate it, has become central to the Language Arts curriculum and there are some very good reasons for its dominance in current teaching expectations. Writing is…

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Why the Skills Gap Matters

Why the Skills Gap Matters 150 150 Suzanne

There is a good deal of talk about the ‘skills gap’ and how the educational system must address this reality through curriculum design and teaching practices. The skills gap that…

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Cognitive Friday: Mirror Neurons

Cognitive Friday: Mirror Neurons 150 150 Suzanne

One of the interesting things about cognitive studies, or studies of how the brain works, is that oftentimes a piece of research into an area like medical research can also…

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