
MOOC’s and Higher Learning

MOOC’s and Higher Learning 150 150 Suzanne

MOOC’s, or massive online open courses, are transforming the college landscape. The proliferation of these online courses is a benefit to students across the country, but also has drawbacks within…

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Synergistic Thinking

Synergistic Thinking 150 150 Suzanne

One trick of the mind that helps boost creativity and innovation is synergistic thinking. Synergistic thinking brings together a person’s various influences to help build towards personal accomplishment. Everyone has…

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Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten?

Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten? 150 150 Callie

Getting Ready for Kindergarten: 8 Skills Your Child Should Have If your child is going to be four years old before the end of this September, you’re probably wondering if…

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Time Management: Using Mission Elapsed Time (MET)

Time Management: Using Mission Elapsed Time (MET) 150 150 Suzanne

Time management is not the easiest thing to learn or to teach… it is a uniquely individual thing, but one which requires mastery in order to be an effective student. …

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21st Century College Learning

21st Century College Learning 150 150 Suzanne

For many kids, the prospect of a college education became really exciting when the major of Video Game Production was invented. Now, there was a reason to go to college!…

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Let’s Think! How Logic Can Be Different

Let’s Think! How Logic Can Be Different 150 150 Suzanne

Funny thing about logic, is that the same logical conclusion can be arrived  at using different logical processes. Not all logic is the same, nor is it meant to be.…

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Understanding Media’s Influence

Understanding Media’s Influence 150 150 Suzanne

For decades there has been discussion about what the impact of video games, cable tv, the internet, and now of course, social media, has on our children. As far as…

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How Many Colleges Should You Apply To?

How Many Colleges Should You Apply To? 150 150 Callie

You’ll find a different answer to this question no matter where you go. Most people say six, some articles say three, some say 12. Why does the number vary so…

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Choosing Senior Projects

Choosing Senior Projects 150 150 Suzanne

We live in a very fast-paced, media-oriented, and electronically engaged world. So do our kids. The shift between a generation ago and today’s youth, is significant. We had “The Brady…

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How History Helps Learning

How History Helps Learning 150 150 Suzanne

History is an important subject in helping students develop critical thinking skills which they can apply to all areas of learning. Learning in history or social studies is conducted so…

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